Almond Macarons with Vanilla Bean Buttercream

Hye Everyone!
Today, BFM wanna share basic recipe to make delicious Almond Macarons!
This is actually the basic one. Once you understand the ins and outs of this one, you can make any flavor..!
Here, we will share more DETAILS in making a super duper perfect macarons!


- where the best macaron are here - TM 

Resipi Macaron BFM!

Siapa nak tahu cara-cara buat macaron? Nak resepi dia?

 BFM sediakan dsini!


  • 35g telur putih (biarkan 12 jam pada suhu bilik)
  • 40g serbuk badam
  • 65g gula icing
  • 15g  gula caster
  • Secubit cream of tar tar 
  • Pewarna (optional)
 Berikut adalah cara penyediaan:
1. Gaulkan gula icing dan serbuk badam bersama. Selepas itu, ketepikan.

2. Masukkan cream of tar tar dalam telur dan kacau sekejap dengan whisk tangan. 
Biarkan selama 1 minit.

3. Kemudian mula pukul telur dengan speed 1 sehingga menjadi seperti buih sabun halus.

4. Pada peringkat ini, mula masukkan gula caster sedikit2 (3 kali masuk).

5. Selepas selesai masukkan gula caster, naikkan kepada speed tinggi. Pukul telur sehingga terhasilnya bentuk hard beak pada pemukul mixer dan telur pada mangkuk tidak jatuh apabila mangkuk diterbalikkan.

6. Masukkan pewarna dan guna speed 1 untuk sebatikan.

7. Campurkan mixture gula dan badam ke dalam telur secara berperingkat (4 kali masuk).Kacau secara perlahan dengan rima pusaran. Kacau sehingga mendapat adunan seperti kelikatan adunan kek. Proses mengacau ini dipanggil Macarronage.

8. Paipkan adunan pada talam berlapik kertas kek. Saiz bulatan 3.5 cm,boleh dapat 7-8 biji macaron.
9. Biarkan kering 40-45 minit.

10. Selepas 30 minit dari masa pengeringan, mula buka oven dan bakar pada suhu 150 celsius selama 10 minit-15minit (masa pembakaran mungkin berbeza krn sebenarnya bergantung kepada model oven).  

11. Biarkan macaron sejuk dan baru asingkan daripada talam. Kalau tidak pecah nanti. Ok sedia untuk dihiaskan dengan filling kegemaran.
Lepas tu....SIAP!!
Nampak senangkan..hehe..

Jom kita try resipi mac BFM yang sedap ne!

History of the Creature named....MACARON!

History of the macaron has been much much debate about its origins.

Larousse Gastronomique ( an encyclopedia of gastronomy. The majority of the book is about French cuisine, and contains recipes for French dishes and cooking techniques. Many non-French dishes and ingredients are mentioned and in later editions these entries have increased in number ) cites the macaron as being created in 1791 in a convent near Cormery.

The History of macaron continued when some have traced its French debut back to the arrival of Catherine de' Medici's Italian pastry chefs whom she brought with her in 1533 upon marrying Henry II of France.

In the 1830s, macarons were served two-by-two with the addition of jams, liqueurs, and spices. The macaron as it is known today was called the "Gerbet" or the "Paris macaron" and is the creation of Pierre Desfontaines of the French pâtisserie Ladurée ( is a luxury cakes and pastries brand based in Paris, France. It is known as the inventor of the double-decker macaron, fifteen thousand of which are sold every day. They are still one of the best known makers of macarons in the world ), composed of two almond meringue discs filled with a layer of buttercream, jam, or ganache filling.

Therefore, eating this cute macaron will be more delicious if we know all about their history! 
BFM will be right back..see you soon... :)

Sejarah Macaron

Sejarah macaron bermula di Perancis lagi. Lebih dikenali dengan 'Macaron de Paris'
Macaron kebiasaannya dihidang sebagai pencuci mulut. 
Macaron selalunya dihidang bersama teh yang tidak bergula.
Ini adalah kerana rasanya yang manis.

Sejarah macaron ini bermula apabila seorang pengasas sebuah kedai manisan atau orang Paris mengenalinya sebagai Laduree mendakwa bahawa Macarons adalah ciptaan beliau,ianya dikembangkan lagi dengan pelbagai ciptaan macaron oleh Pierre Desfontaines pada awal kurun ke-20.

Walaupun terdapat banyak Macaron dihasilkan di Perancis,tetapi ianya tidak sempurna seperti macaron yang dihasilkan oleh Laduree & Pierre. Oleh yang demikian,Laduree & Pierre Herme merupakan dua nama yang sangat terkenal dalam menghasilkan macarons terbaik yang tiada tandingannya.

Sejarah pembuatan macaron dikatakan bermula sejak 1862 lagi.
Namun begitu, pada awal tahun 2002, perbincangan mengenai Macaron semakin meluas di internet, Donnay Hay seorang wartawan dari Australia yang dikatakan individu pertama menulis mengenai macarons di dalam majalahnya dan ianya mendapat sambutan meluas sehingga Macaron menjadi hidangan di restaurant-restaurant mewah di sekitar Sydney & Melbourne. Dan dari sinilah bermulanya Macarons meluas ke negara-negara asia yang lain seperti di Jepun,Singapore dan juga Malaysia.

Begitulah sedikit sebanyak info tentang sejarah macaron yang dapat bigfatmacaron kongsikan bersama anda semua. ^^v

Welcome to Big Fat Macaron!

Big Fat Macaron are telling the truth about MACARON!!

A macaron  is a sweet confectionery made with egg whites, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond powder or ground almond, and food coloring. The macaron is commonly filled with buttercream or jam filling sandwiched between two cookies. 

Its name is derived from an Italian word "maccarone" or "maccherone". This word is itself derived from ammaccare, meaning crush or beat, used here in reference to the almond paste which is the principal ingredient. It is meringue-based: made from a mixture of egg whites, almond flour.
The confectionery is characterized by its smooth, domed top, ruffled circumference (referred to as the "foot"), and flat base. It is mildly moist and easily melts in the mouth. This is completely true.! Big Fat Macaron already tasted this sweeties and delicious macaron.!

Macarons can be found in a wide variety of flavors that range from the traditional (raspberry, chocolate) to the new (truffle, green matcha tea). The fillings can range from jams, ganache, or buttercream.

Since the English word macaroon can also refer to the coconut macaroon, many have adopted the French spelling of macaron to distinguish the two items in the English language. However, this has caused confusion over the correct spelling of the cookie/biscuit. Some recipes exclude the use of macaroon to refer to this French confection while others think that they are synonymous.

Therefore, if you wanna find something about this cute and delicious tiny little macaron, just us Big Fat Macaron!. Where the BFM will always tell the truth. ;)

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