Almond Macarons with Vanilla Bean Buttercream

Hye Everyone!
Today, BFM wanna share basic recipe to make delicious Almond Macarons!
This is actually the basic one. Once you understand the ins and outs of this one, you can make any flavor..!
Here, we will share more DETAILS in making a super duper perfect macarons!

The unfilled shells can be frozen without incident.
Once filled, they may need to be refrigerated ( they can be stored up to a week ).
Some prefer to eat after refrigerated, while some other said that the flavor are melt. 

Firstly, the bare-bones ingredients needed for a classic version.

Prepare 2 sheet pans by lining with either Silpats or parchment paper.

Prepare a pastry bag with a plain tip.

First, sift the dry ingredients - in this case, the powdered sugar and the almond flour.

Sift into a large bowl.
Refining the dry stuff this way will ensure that the macarons don't end up with coarse looking shells.
If you have a teaspoon or so of large pieces left in the sifter, just discard.

 In a separate bowl, whisk the whites. 
You can also do it with a hand mixer or a stand mixer if you prefer.

And here, the whites are start to foamy.

Once they start to froth up and get meringue like, sprinkle in the sugar.
This little bit of granulated sugar helps to stabilize the whites, so there is less risk of overwhipping.

Continue to whisk.
Here, the whites are still quite loose and soft, barely holding any peak.
The mix starts to take on a smooth, glossy appearance, thanks to the addition of sugar.

A little more whisking results more firm peaks.
You MUST whisk until the peaks firm, or the finished macarons will suffer, with a too-liquid batter.

Once the whites are whipped, incorporate the dry, slowly, so the egg whites don't deflate. 
Sprinkle half the dry stuff over the egg whites.

Start folding the dry in carefully.
The whites will start to look broken and curdled and that's ok.
It's not necessary to get every last speck folded in at this point.
Once it's mostly mixed in...

...dump the egg whites back into the bowl with the rest of the dry stuff.
Now fold everything together.

The dry ingredients tends to collects at the bottom of the bowl.
Fold by scraping from the bottom, and turning the mixture over on itself.
This process does deflate the egg somewhat, and that's ok.
You want DEFLATE them a little.

At first it may seem like there is to much dry stuff to be absorbed by the egg whites,
but after a few strokes it comes together.
Here it is almost there.

And here is the final batter.
There are no dry specks showing, and the batter still has thickness and body.
It holds its shape.
You can see it's not liquid that it fills out of the bowl.

The easiest way to fill a pastry bag is to place it in a tall jar or glass with the top of the bag folded over.

 Pour the batter into the bag.

Pipe nickel-sized dots.
They will continue to spread on the sheet pan for up to five minutes, so 
it's best to space them out about half an inch apart.

As you begin to  reach the bottom of the pastry bag, the pastry will spread more as you pipe, 
because you've been handling and deflating the contents.
Again, no problem - just something to be aware of.
Now they have to be rest at room temperature.

A skins need to be form, and it takes 30 - 90 minutes, depending on the weather.
If you touch them lightly, and some batter stick on your finger, they are not ready to bake.
If you feel the top has dried, and nothing sticks on your finer, they are ready to bake.

Bake at 280 F and for about 17 minutes.

Here they are baked.
They should be smooth on top, and of course, have the coveted 'feet'.
Let them cool completely before proceeding.
They may rip right off the sheet pan if pulled up to early.

Once cooled, flip them all over...

...and pipe your chosen filling on half of the rounds.
Here, we are using vanilla buttercream.

Choose similar sized rounds to sandwich together.
One classic batch of almond macarons with vanilla buttercream, done!

BFM are providing you the most detail ways in making a PERFECT Macs!
Thank to!
We hope you enjoy in making the sweet Almond Macs wif Vanilla ButterCream.. :)


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